• We provide FREE delivery to anywhere within 12 miles of Saratoga Springs! Delivery rates will apply to anywhere beyond this radius in the Capital Region. Please include your exact location when filling out inquiry form to receive an accurate quote.

  • Yes, we require a $50 non-refundable retainer at the time of confirmation to secure your rental reservation. The remaining balance is due 3 days before your event.

  • Bounce house rules are as follows:



    ABSOLUTELY NO FACEPAINT (it will permanently stain!)




  • We can set up on:

    concrete, artificial turf, pavers, indoor venues or home, asphalt, and grass (for grass, please ensure 18” stakes can be placed in the ground i.e. spaces without water/electric lines, sprinkler heads, etc.)

    We cannot under any cirumstances set up on rocks, gravel, dirt/mud, slopes, and uneven surfaces.

  • Absolutely! All inflatables are cleaned and sanitized immediately before and after each rental.

  • We will need an outlet within 100 feet of where the bounce house will be set up. If you need a generator for additional cost please include this information in your inquiry form.

  • We understand things change! If your event is cancelled we can apply your non-refundable retainer to another available date. Please keep in mind we require at least 7 days notice of a cancellation.

  • Yes! Because certain balloon materials can damage/stain our bounce houses, we only allow our approved balloon vendors. Let us know if you want to add this personalized pop of fun to your event.

  • Our standard rental time is 4 to 6 hours.

    You may request additional time for $50 per hour.

    Our latest pick up time is 8pm unless we’ve discussed otherwise.

  • We can! This is an add on service that allows you to relax and not stress about monitoring the safety of your guests. The rate for a staffed event is $25 per hour. Or a flat rate of $200 for All Day and Weddings.

    For liability reasons, booking a Party Haus attendant for a wedding is mandatory.

  • We typically ask to have about 2 feet of space on each side of the bounce house and 3-3 1/2 feet in the back for the blower.

  • We recommend booking as soon as you have a date due to the demand and we are the only modern bounce houses provider in the area at the moment! It is not uncommon to book 2-3 months in advance.

    If you are reaching out earlier than 3 months from your event, please indicate in your inquiry form as a “pre-booking”.

  • Please make sure the bounce house area is clear of pet waste and debris. Identify where your closest outlet is, sprinkler heads, underground electrical lines, etc. Our staff cannot assist with the clean up of the area, we kindly ask this is done well in advance to ensure a smooth delivery process.

  • Yes! We carry general liability insurance.

  • Yes, we love a good savings!

    Military Discount- 15% off.

    Returning customer- 10% off (good for one time use only)

    Discounts cannot be combined and do not include delivery fee.

  • Yes, thanks for asking! Modern bounce houses require an extra level of care to maintain their beauty and safety for all guests. For this reason we ask that you carefully abide by the rules stated the entry sign and your contract.

    Any damage (beyond typical wear and tear) may result in additional fee to repair or replace the bounce house.